해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Champion Sports Rhino Playground Ball Set, 8.5"D -Two-Ply, Nylon Wound - Set of 6 Colors

상품번호 B000KIBRVI
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상품가격 $33.76
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PLAYGROUND BALL 6 PACK SET: Includes 6, 8.5 inch soft nylon bouncy balls with easy grip textured surface great for boys and girls playtime and outdoor games; Rubber balls are also great for pet toysMULTI COLORED BOUNCING BALLS: Colorful set includes green, orange, purple, red, royal blue and yellow gym balls for hours of playground fun or gym and recess games; long lasting and durable finishSAFE NYLON RUBBER SURFACE: Soft bouncing surface is safe for kids and adults of all ages; Ball safely absorbs hits and bounces off the head and body ensuring hours of safe play exercise and funGREAT FOR KIDS GAMES: Inflatable rubber balls are perfect for school gyms, rec centers and afterschool clubs; Use balls for dodgeball games, kickball, foursquare, keepaway, and classic kids sportsINDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE: Weatherproof, waterproof sports equipment, rubber balls are perfect for use indoors and out great for gym class or school field days; Floating balls also make great pool toysPUMP IT UP: We provide the gear, you provide the air. Balls are shipped deflated – inflate to your own preference. Pump sold separatelyIncluded Components: Unit, Instruction Guide
PLAYGROUND BALL 6 PACK SET Champion Sports multi-colored playground ball set. This exclusive rubber-ball set Includes 6, 8.5 inch soft nylon bouncy balls with easy grip textured surface. Playground balls are great for boys and girls playtime and classic outdoor games. Soft rubber balls are also a great pet toys perfect for fetch or fun in the water with your dog. MULTI COLORED BOUNCING BALLS Colorful playground set includes green, orange, purple, red, royal blue and yellow gym balls for hours of playground fun during gym and recess games. Long lasting and durable nylon finish is built to stand up to years of wear and tear in the gym or out on the playground. SAFE NYLON RUBBER SURFACE Gym balls are made with a soft bouncing surface and are safe for kids and adults of all ages. Soft balls safely absorb hits and bounces off the head and body ensuring safe game play and hours of fun with little risk. GREAT FOR KIDS GAMES Inflatable rubber balls are perfect for school gyms, rec centers and afterschool clubs and programs. Use for dodgeball games, kickball, foursquare, keepaway, as well as a huge array of classic kids sports and classic ball games. 8.5 inch balls are the perfect size for a wide variety of games and also make for great pool toys for water polo and pool volleyball. INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE Weatherproof and waterproof sports equipment rubber balls are perfect for use indoors and out. Balls are ideal for use in gym classes or school field days. Affordable playground balls bulk package is great for camp organizers or school athletic and physical education directors and teachers. - 6 Rubber and Nylon Coated Playground Balls - Comes with 1, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Royal Blue and Yellow Ball - Waterproof and Weatherproof Rubber With Easy Grip Nylon Coating.

2024-10-02 17:05:46

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