해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pyle PLMRW8 8-Inch Outdoor Marine Audio Subwoofer - 400 Watt Single White Waterproof Bass Loud Speaker For Marine Stereo Sound System, Under Helm or Box Case Mount in Small Boat, Water Vehicle

상품번호 B000MCKAHE
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상품가격 $32.42
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400 WATT POWER: Pyle’s 8 Inch Marine Subwoofer offers a peak power of 400 watts w/ 4ohm impedance. It lets you pump out some great low frequency bass volume to enhance the party vibe making it a great addition to your marine music audio systemFOR ENHANCED SOUND: The Hydra subwoofer is a great addition to your marine stereo sound system. No sound system is complete without the perfect subwoofer for complimentary bass so don\'t deprive your boat from the absolute best sound you can getWATER-RESISTANT: The professional compact loud speaker system features a marine grade waterproof plastic case construction making it safe to be installed and used in places where moderate water splashes occur such as in marine vehiclesSUPERIOR POWERFUL SOUND: The white outdoor bass speaker features an 8” high quality polypropylene cone. The 40 oz. magnetic structure and 1.5” high temperature voice coil boom w/ power and achieve a frequency response of 35 Hz to 3.5 kHz8” SINGLE SUBWOOFER: The boat subwoofer can be installed under or in front of the compartment or helm, behind the helm seat or you can mount them inside a box or cooler. The subwoofer has an overall diameter of 8.5” and 3.60” mounting depth
Pyle Model : PLMRW8 8\'\' Marine Subwoofer, 800 Watt Single 8" 400 Watt White 4 Ohm Marine Subwoofer 8\'\' High Quality Polypropylene Cone Water Resistant Construction Design 40 oz. Magnet Structure 1.5\'\' High Temperature Voice Coil 400 Watts Peak Power Frequency Response: 35-3.5K Hz 4 Ohm Impedance Sensitivity: 91 dB Overall Diameter: 8.5\'\' Mounting Depth: 3.60\'\' This 400-watt Pyle Hydra subwoofer will blow you out of the water! It\'s constructed from water resistant plastic, supporting a 8\' high quality polypropylene cone. The 40 oz. magnet structure and 1.5\' high temperature voice coil boom with power and achieve a frequency response of 35 Hz to 3.5 kHz.

2024-07-09 21:22:58

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