해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
My Little Pony Mini World Magic Meet The Minis Collection Set with 22 Figures, for Kids Ages 5 and Up (Amazon Exclusive)

상품번호 B000NDJH1M
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상품가격 $22.30
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MINI WORLD MAGIC: Build a world of magical mini friends from across Equestria. Collection pack comes with 22 pony figures in a tiny, adorable 1-inch scale - 6 figures have a fun sparkly design.22 MINI FIGURES: Includes characters from Maretime Bay, Bridlewood Forest, and Zephyr Heights inspired by the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale seriesGIFTABLE COLLECTION PACK: Comes with a map of Equestria that kids can use as a playmat with their mini ponies. Toy makes a great gift for girls and boys.MINI WORLD PLAYSETS: Create mini scenes with playsets, stickers, and plug-in accessories (Playsets each sold separately. Subject to availability.)LOOK FOR OTHER MINI WORLDS: Mini World Magic playsets connect together so kids can build out the world of Equestria (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)
Build a world of magical mini friends from across Equestria! My Little Pony Mini World Magic sets consist of tiny scenes and adorable characters inspired by the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale series. This Meet the Minis Collection set comes with 22 cute pony figures that are 1 inch tall. Play out mini adventures with favorite pony friends, and get to know fresh characters. Features ponies from Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights, and Bridlewood Forest: Sunny, Hitch, Pipp, Zipp, Izzy, Queen Haven, Jazz Hooves, Alphabittle, and more! Also includes a playmat for imagining stories across Equestria. This toy makes a great holiday or birthday gift for kids ages 5 years old and up!

2024-04-04 20:14:13

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