해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Old Timer 3OT Bearhead Traditional Lockback Pocket Knife with 2.2in High Carbon Stainless Steel Blade, Sawcut Handle, and Convenient Small Size for EDC, Whittling, Camping, Hunting, and Outdoors

상품번호 B000RMNX8W
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상품가격 $16.99
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DIMENSIONS: 5.1 inch (13 cm) overall length with a blade length of 2.2 inches (5.6 cm) and a weight of 1.5 ouncesDURABLE: Blade is made of reliable High Carbon Stainless Steel, and features a single drop point shape with an easily controlled point and a bigger belly for slicing and other general usesDEPENDABLE: Ideal for everyday carry with the convenient size and nail pull for quick and easy accessBE PREPARED: Have confidence that the blade will not slip with the security of the lockback mechanismSECURE: Sawcut handle features an ergonomic design and is built with nickel silver pins and bolsters for a solid construction and classic aestheticGUARANTEED: This product is covered by Old Timer’s Lifetime Warranty. For questions, please contact Old Timer\'s customer service
Product Description The tradition of passing an Old Timer knife down from one generation to the next has proven Old Timer as a reliable and trusted brand recognized the world over. Old Timer knives such as our traditional folders, fixed blades and the Heritage series are designed to serve your every day need, yet built for generations. From the Manufacturer This Schrade Bearhead knife features a durable Delrin handle and a single stainless steel lockback blade.

2024-06-07 20:02:11

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