해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sleepypod Medium Mobile Pet Bed, Jet Black

상품번호 B000SIF7TS
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상품가격 $209.95
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Mobile pet bed, carrier, and car seat lets you travel anywhere with your petMade from luggage-grade nylon outside and ultra-plush polyester insideContoured to fit pets up to 15 poundsNo assembly requiredIncludes padded shoulder strap, mesh dome top with carrying handle, washable bedding, water-resistant foam liner, and instruction card
The Sleepypod is more than a pet bed, more than a carrier or car seat: it\'s a lifestyle. It\'s your pet\'s personal space, designed to fit his/her individual needs. Sleepypod pampers your 15 pound or smaller pet in luxurious ultra-plush and foam, providing comfort and security. The beauty of the Sleepypod is its versatility. A dog that needs to be aware of her surroundings at all times can be just as easily accommodated as the cat who likes his privacy. The secret is in the adjustable dome top. Removing the top altogether will give your pet the easy access of a standard pet bed, but as needs change, so will the options. In times of fear or stress the dome can be opened or closed by unzipping the center zipper and adjusting the sides. The bed is designed so that your pet can spread out in the way that is most natural for his or her sleeping style. The round shape will contour around your pet\'s body providing yet another layer of coziness. Because your pet will already be living in the Sleepypod, traveling will become much easier and less stressful for everyone. To safely transport your pet in the car, simply wrap the seat belt around the base of the Sleepypod and pull the shoulder belt through the top handle. The Sleepypod is designed for road trips and is not certified for use on commercial air planes. The Sleepypod Mini can be used both in the car and will easily fits under the seat on commercial airplanes (always check with your airline for their specific restrictions before flying). The black, ultra plush included in every Sleepypod is 100% polyester and is easily maintained with a quick vacuum or a dip in the washing machine: cold water, gentle cycle with like colors. Tumble dry on low. Do not bleach. All other components can be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

2025-01-09 10:04:14

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