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Miracle Sealants PLUSGAL4 511 Porous Plus Sealer, Gallon, Yellow

상품번호 B000VX5FVK
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상품가격 $201.77
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For use inside or out on a variety of surfaces including sanded grout, flagstone, terra cotta, limestone, sandstone and more to protect against water, stains and slippageFormula is oil and water resistant that creates an invisible barrier for protectionCovers up to 4,000 square feet per gallonOffers superior coverage, formulated to provide stain protection that is UV transparent and resists weather elementsEasy application and will not yellow, safe to use around food prep areas
Miracle Sealants 511 Porous Plus is a penetrating sealer designed for the protection of the most porous surfaces. Forms a transparent layer strong enough to combat moisture and stains while allowing vapor release. 511 Porous Plus does not alter the natural look of the surface following application. Provides water, stain and slip protection for interior and exterior tile and natural stone surfaces. Porous tile and porous stone surfaces treated become harder and less slippery.

2024-05-15 18:29:28

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