해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RIDGID 73162 424-S Steel Pipe Cutter, 2-inch to 4-inch Hinged Pipe Cutter for Steel Pipe

상품번호 B0019MRHLS
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상품가격 $819.65
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Designed for rapid cutting of heavy-wall steel pipe; cuts pipe squarely, accurately and quicklyOperates with minimal cutter rotation making it ideal for use in tight quartersFeatures an extra sharp wheel for up to 40 percent faster cutting; RIDGID cutter wheels are precision-machined from high-grade steel for long life and maximum cutting accuracySteel pipe cutter has a 2-inch to 4-inch (50 mm to 100 mm) pipe capacityRIDGID covers its products with a lifetime warranty against defects in material or workmanship for the life of the tool
Product Description Delivering RIDGID\'s professional-grade reliability, this RIDGID 73162 Steel Pipe Cutter is designed for rapid cutting of steel pipe. Offering optimal tool performance, it cuts pipe squarely, accurately and quickly. The hinged pipe cutter features a precision-machined, high-grade steel cutter wheel for long life and maximum cutting accuracy. It has an extra sharp wheel for up to 40 percent faster cutting. The pipe cutter operates with minimal cutter rotation, making it ideal for use in tight quarters. The pipe cutter has a 2-inch to 4-inch pipe capacity. RIDGID covers its products with a lifetime warranty against defects in material or workmanship for the life of the tool. Since 1923, RIDGID has remained the symbol of certainty to dedicated professionals of the expert trades. Every tool that bears the RIDGID brand is engineered to the same high standards of quality, strength, and endurance, as was that first heavy-duty pipe wrench more than 80 years ago. From the Manufacturer Since 1923, Ridgid has remained the symbol of certainty to dedicated professionals of the expert trades. Every tool that bears the Ridgid brand is engineered to the same high standards of quality, strength, and endurance, as was that first heavy-duty pipe wrench more than 80 years ago. Ridgid covers its products with a lifetime warranty against defects in material or workmanship for the life of the tool. Having the right tool for the job at hand is important. The Ridgid 73162 424-S Hinged Cutter is designed for rapid cutting of 2-inch through 4-inch (50 to 100 mm) steel pipe. It operates with minimal cutter rotation as necessary for tight quarters. They can also be used as tubing cutters. Simply insert the pipe or tubing in the opening and slowly turn the knob to engage the cutter as you rotate around the work piece. You\'ll get a clean cut with limited crimping or bending. The Ridgid 73162 424-S Hinged Cutter is sold one item per package.

2024-06-07 18:23:58

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