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G & S Metal Products Company OvenStuff Personal Size 6-Piece Toaster Oven Set-Non-Stick Baking Pans, Easy to Clean and Perfect for Single Servings, Silver

상품번호 B001BCNT0Y
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상품가격 $19.04
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PRODUCT DIMENSIONS: Toaster Oven Set is sized smaller for single portion servings. Check your toaster oven dimensions to ensure proper fit; Pizza Pans Exterior: 8in x 8in, Interior 7.7 in; Rack 7.6in x 5.6in; Mini Cookie Tray Exterior: 10.1in x 7.1in, Interior: 8.5in x 6.5in; Mini Bake & Roast Pan Exterior: 10in x 7in, Interior: 8.5in x 6.5inSIX-PIECE SET—EXCELLENT VALUE: Our personal size baking pan set includes everything you need for cooking single serving sized meals in your toaster oven; the set includes 2 pizza pans, 1 cookie sheet, 1 cooking rack, 1 broil pan, and 1 Fat-A-Way bake and broil panPERFECT FOR SINGLE-SERVINGS: The OvenStuff Toaster Oven Set is ideal for making meals or cookies in small sized portions in your toaster oven, saving time and energy over the use of your regular oven. Toaster oven sizes vary. Please review product dimensions for proper fit for your unit.NON-STICK FINISH: The OvenStuff baking pan set is made with a proprietary DuraGlide PLUS coating that allows baked goods and other treats to slide right off the pan for an easy cleanupQUALITY STEEL CONSTRUCTION: All six pieces are made with high-performance steel construction, which ensures even heating across the pan; hand wash recommended
G & S Metal Products Company Non-Stick 6-Piece Toaster Oven Baking Pan Set includes two pizza pans measuring exterior: 8in x 8in, interior 7.7 in; Rack 7.6in x 5.6in, one cookie sheet measuring exterior: 10.1in x 7.1in, interior: 8.5in x 6.5in, one cooking rack measuring at 7. 62-inches x 5. 62-inches, one 10-inch x 7-inch broil pan measuring exterior: 10in x 7in, interior: 8.5in x 6.5in, and one 10-inch x 7-inch Fat-A-Way bake and broil pan with interior measuring at 8. 5-inches x 6. 5-inches. Each pan is made with our proprietary DuraGlide Plus non-stick coating, which allows baked goods and other cooked treats to slide right off the pan. Our standard-sized pans are perfect for the smaller ovens found in apartments, vacation rentals, and dorm rooms and make it easy to prepare meals such as sheet pan dinners in single servings. Our bakeware is proudly made in the USA.

2024-02-13 09:52:43

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