해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron - Nintendo DS

상품번호 B001CBBYKQ
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상품구분 Video Games / Legacy Systems
브랜드 Brand: LucasArts
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
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상품가격 5.90
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Commandeer trademark Star Wars vehicles and spacecraft from the Empire\'s TIE Fighters to the Rebel Alliance\'s X-wings, as well as AT-RTs, LAATs, Imperial Transports and Droid Fighters.Outfit your character like never before. Dictate their battle weapons, armor, species, gender, appearance and physical strengths including hundreds of unlockable items and bonuses.Battle friends in intense four-player skirmishes on the Nintendo DS and DSi.Play classic characters like Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto, Darth Maul, Count Dooku and Boba Fett, plus new characters from the Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video games.Battle on some of the most iconic Star Wars planets and locations from the feature films, all with multi-layered battlefronts, such as Tatooine, Endor, Yavin 4 and Hoth through 11 campaign levels.
Product Description Star Wars Battlefront is back and bigger than ever on the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system and Nintendo DS! Releasing this Fall, Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron is the deepest and most action-packed Star Wars Battlefront game ever. Experience battlefronts that span ground, space and capital starships, a robust original storyline and expanded gameplay features that deliver endless replayability. Fight on an expanded battlefront that spans multiple layers of action. Start the fight on foot, commandeer a vehicle and dogfight in space, and land your craft on and fight in capital starships. Your actions in each area directly affect the outcome on others. Take the lead role in an engrossing, never-before-told storyline that puts you in the middle of the action of the most memorable battles spanning the entire Star Wars saga and beyond. Massive amounts of replay value and customization ensure that every battle you take part in is unique and different! Amazon.com Star Wars Battlefront is back and bigger than ever on the DS and DSi. A third-person shooter, Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron is the deepest and most action-packed Star Wars Battlefront game ever. Experience battlefronts that span ground, space and capital starships, a robust original storyline and expanded gameplay features--including 4-player multiplayer support--that deliver seemingly endless replayability. .caption { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica neue, Arial, serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } ul.indent { list-style: inside disc; text-indent: -15px; } table.callout { font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1. 3em; } td.vgoverview { height: 125px; background: #9DC4D8 url(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/detail-page/callout-bg.png) repeat-x; border-left: 1px solid #999999; border-right: 1px solid #999999; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; width: 250px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; } Story and Gameplay The storyline of Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron concerns the two clone trooper brothers X2 and X1. Clones created using Jedi DNA, they were originally designed to aid in Order 66, the great Jedi purge set in motion by Chancellor Palpatine as a pretext to establishing the Empire. However, X2 chooses to foresake this path and instead joins the rebel alliance, standing opposed to his brother, X1, who remains aligned with the dark side and the plans of the revealed Darth Sidious. An evolution of the Battlefront experience. View larger . Gameplay Levels and Features Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron allows players to engage in combat on multiple levels where every action matters. On the ground players fight both on foot and utilizing a variety of vehicles, units and weapons, while an assortment of Rebel and Imperial craft takes the fight into space, with brief cutscenes between levels creating a seamless experience. Whether on the ground or in the air, the player\'s combat stats have direct consequences on the overall outcome of battles. The game also features multiple game modes and features, including: class-based gameplay, where you take advantage of numerous character classes, each with their own specialized weapons and tools; Heroes and Villains Mode, where you play as favorite characters from the Star Wars universe; and 4-player multiplayer support via a Nintendo DS Wi-Fi connection. Key Game Features Fight on an expanded battlefront that spans multiple layers of action – start the fight on foot, commandeer a vehicle and dogfight in space, and land your craft on and fight in capital starships – your actions in each area directly affect the outcome on others. Take the lead role in an engrossing, never-before-told storyline that puts you in the middle of the action of the most memorable battles spanning the entire Star Wars saga and beyond. Unique class-based gameplay on the DS/DSi let you take advantage of numerous character classes, each with their own specialized weapons and tools and even the ability to carry a lightsaber into battle. Feel the rush of combat with 4-player multiplayer matches via a Nintendo Wi-Fi connection. Let loose your inner Jedi or Sith in the special "Heroes and Villains" mode where you can play classic characters like Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Boba Fett, plus new characters from the Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video games. Battle on some of the most iconic Star Wars planets and locations from the feature films, all with multi-layered battlefronts, such as Tatooine, Endor, Yavin 4 and Hoth through 11 campaign levels. Commandeer trademark Star Wars vehicles and spacecraft from the Empire’s TIE Fighters to the Rebel Alliance’s X-wings, as well as AT-RTs, LAATs, Imperial Transports and Droid Fighters. Screenshots : Fight on foot. View larger . And into space. View larger . 4-person multiplayer. View larger . Class-based combat. View larger .

2024-06-06 01:07:51

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