해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CURT 13942 Class 3 Trailer Hitch, 2-Inch Receiver, Fits Select Chevrolet, GMC C1500, K1500

상품번호 B001EOV49C
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상품가격 $198.49
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DEPENDABLE STRENGTH. This trailer hitch is rated for 5,000 lbs. gross trailer weight, 500 lbs. tongue weight, 8,000 lbs. weight distribution capacity and 800 lbs. weight distribution tongue weight (limited to lowest-rated towing component)VERSATILE DESIGN. This class 3 hitch equips your vehicle with a standard 2-inch x 2-inch hitch receiver, allowing for a wide variety of towing options. It can accept a ball mount, cargo carrier, bike rack, tow hook and much moreFULLY TESTED. Every CURT class 3 trailer hitch design is tested in real-world, on-vehicle conditions at our Detroit engineering facility. Aftermarket hitches are tested according to SAE J684 standards for the utmost safety while haulingRUST, CHIP, UV-RESISTANT. This tow hitch is protected with a unique dual-coat finish of rust-resistant liquid A-coat and highly durable black powder coat. The two finishes are co-cured together for exceptional resistance to rust, chipping and UV raysEASY TO INSTALL. This hitch offers a custom, factory fit on select model years of the Chevy C1500 or K1500 and GMC C1500 or K1500
CURT 13942 Class 3 Trailer Hitch, 2-Inch Receiver, Fits Select Chevrolet, GMC C1500, K1500

2024-11-28 18:28:42

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