해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pieta Statue - Cold Cast Bronze Sculpture - Magnificent

상품번호 B001IGTBTQ
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상품가격 $110.79
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QUALITY PRODUCTION: Made with high quality designer resin and cold casting techniqueCOLD CASTING: Cold casting is the technique that mixes resin and bronze to create detailed sculpture with metallic finishMEASUREMENT: L 10 5/8 *W 6 3/4 * H 10 5/8 InchesGIFTING: Perfect gifting and home decor option for all collectorsPACKAGING: Gift box ready with black felted bottom protection
This is probably the world\'s most famous sculpture of a religious subject. Michelangelo carved it when he was 24 years old, and it is the only one he ever signed. The beauty of its lines and expression leaves a lasting impression on everyone. With this magnificent statue Michelangelo has given us a highly spiritual and Christian view of human suffering. Artists before and after Michelangelo always depicted the Virgin with the dead Christ in her arms as grief stricken, almost on the verge of desperation. Michelangelo, on the other hand, created a highly supernatural feeling. As she holds Jesus\' lifeless body on her lap, the Virgin\'s face emanates sweetness, serenity and a majestic acceptance of this immense sorrow, combined with her faith in the Redeemer. It seems almost as if Jesus is about to reawaken from a tranquil sleep and that after so much suffering and thorns, the rose of resurrection is about to bloom. As we contemplate the Pieta which conveys peace and tranquility, we can feel that the great sufferings of life and its pain can be mitigated.

2024-11-26 12:06:20

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