해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
USA All Natural Banana & Coconut Oil Jewelry Cleaner with Polishing Cloth, For Gold, Silver and Precious Gems, Ammonia Free, Hypoallergenic Jewelry Cleaning Solution (16oz)

상품번호 B001TQ41VI
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상품가격 $18.99
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??????? ??? ???: Your jewelry is a reflection of your own inner sparkle. Like you, sometimes it needs a little vacation to revive its radiance. Give it the tropical spa day it deserves with Caribbean Gem!????????? ????????: Caribbean Gem’s all-natural cleaning solution is an invigorating, luxurious bubble bath for your trinkets. Because your precious adornments deserve the best ingredients the earth has to offer.???% ???-??????? ???????????: Our special blend of banana and coconut oils will clean and shine your treasures without any ammonia or alcohols and smell like a tropical dream while doing it! A luxurious massage with our double-sided polishing cloth will revive tarnished or scratched precious metals to their original glory.???? ??? ??? ???????: Effective and safe for natural and created gems, precious metals, plated jewelry, fine jewelry, costume jewelry, antique jewelry, watches, and more! Please see our care guide to see how Caribbean Gem can help you care for all your favorite accessories.???% ????? ???? ?????????: Ditch the harmful, smelly chemicals and show your jewelry some love with Caribbean Gem - the most effective natural jewelry cleaner on the market.

2024-02-13 10:30:28

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