해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Abena Abri-San Premium Incontinence Pads, Heavy Absorbency, (SIZES 8 TO 11 AVAILABLE) Size 10, 21 Count

상품번호 B002DFLE0A
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상품가격 30.51
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Double absorbent core-ultra absorbent core transfers wetness and moisture quickly away from the skin ensuring the feeling of dryness. Includes wetness indicator-indicates when the product should be changedBack sheet-super soft 100 percent breathable non-woven offers the ultimate in comfort and drynessClassification-very heavy incontinence, pad size-15 inch x 29 inch/37 x 73 cm, absorption-95 fl oz/2800 mlOdor protection-two premium super absorbing polymers lock odor awayRecommended undergarment-for optimal discretion, security and comfort we recommend Abena Abri-Fix Pants Super; sizes small-xxl
Incontinence is not a one-size-fits-all condition. The Abri-San Premium Pad range provides a selection of anatomically shaped pads creating a complete system for all degrees of incontinence - from light to moderate to heavy. Currently, the Abri-San Premium Pad range has a numeric system beginning with Size 1 until Size 11 - the 11 being the largest and most absorbent. Abri-San Premium Pads are as small as 2.75” x 9” (Size 1) or as large as 14” x 27.5” (Size 11) and can absorb as little as 200ml (Size 1) or as much as 3400ml (Size 11). Please Note: Most U.S. manufactured adult briefs and diapers only absorb 2500ml. Abri-San Premium Pads are ultra premium: they are constructed with the most innovative technology and unsurpassed quality; they are completely breathable which ensures better overall skin health; they are certified free of dangerous chemicals and allergens. Did you also know that Abri-San Premium Pads have been awarded the Nordic Swan Eco-Label? This means that you not only get an ultra premium product, but the product is certified free of dangerous chemicals and all known allergens. There are NO phthalates, organotins (MBT, DBT, TBT), heavy metals, Cl (chlorine), HCHO (formaldehyde), colophonium, AZO-pigments, PVC, substances known as harmful to health or the environment, and any compounds listed on the SVHC (REACH Article 33) - a European Union List of Substances of Very High Concern. In addition, Abri-San Premium Pads are certified free of ALL known allergens or substances classified as locally irritating, sensitizing, carcinogenic, or mutagenic. The pads are approximately 80% biodegradable and 99% compostable; all wood pulp is derived from sustainable tree farms, the manufacturer has released a Life Cycle Assessment proving a reduced amount of emissions and almost no waste. To help minimize impacts on the environment and our health, Abena, the manufacturer of Abri-San, has voluntarily elected to undergo strict, rigorous environmental inspections of their products. The setting of criteria is based on an assessment of impacts during the whole life-cycle - all the way from raw material to production, consumption and waste. This means all raw material suppliers, business partners, distributors, and subsidiaries must embrace these principals and actively take them on board in daily business practice. Abri-San Premium Pads feature the following: (1) Anatomical Shape - The anatomical shape combined with a soft elastic border ensures a snug fit, thus increasing comfort and security; (2) Most Absorbent Pads on the Market - The use of long cellulose fibers, superabsorbent polymers, a unique fiber separation technique, and an additional core in the center provide for maximum absorption, strength and dispersion of the liquid absorbed; (3) Top Dry Layer - A Top-Dry acquisition layer and embossed channels assist this process, while increasing dryness and user comfort; (4) Leakage Guards - Soft, highly repellent and reliable leakage barriers, extending right to the edge, ensure unrivalled leakage protection in all situations. On the bigger pads, a built-in cross barrier offers optimum protection against rear leakage; (5) Wetness Indicator - An external wetness indicator facilitates the work of care staff; (6) Completely Breathable - Air Plus breathable textile-like back sheet provides increased comfort and minimizes the risk of skin irritation. Both heat and humidity penetrates the Air Plus Backing faster than plastic backing. This means reduced risk of skin irritations and uncomfortable temperatures. In addition, the new backing is soft and noiseless. The manufacturer suggests that all the Abri-San Premium Pads should be used with special fitting underwear. We have learned through experience that any tight fitting underwear or shorts that hold the pad close to the body will work. Security, mobility and comfort have been the key aims in developing this range to help deliver Abena\'s over-all objective of improving the quality of life. This Abri-San (Extra 10) Premium Pad is 14.1" x 27.5". It absorbs 2800ml. Each Bag contains 21 units.

2024-06-03 07:42:27

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