해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
A+D First Aid Healing Ointment - Moisturizing Skin Protectant With Vitamins A & D - Repairs Scrapes, Wounds, Cracked Heels, Hands & Lips - Multipurpose Wound Ointment - 1.5oz

상품번호 B002OTLNVA
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상품가격 $4.24
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VITAMIN A & D OINTMENT TO SUPPORT HEALING: Vitamin A and vitamin D work together in our first aid ointment to help the healing process for topical wounds, burns, dry lips, cracked feet & more. Free of parabens, dyes and phthalatesPROTECTS DRY, CHAPPED, CRACKED SKIN: Unlike lotions and creams, A+D First Aid Wound Healing Ointment forms a thick barrier to help protect your skin from the drying effects of wind and cold weather. No more dry, chapped, flaky skinSUPPORTS HEALING FOR CUTS, BURNS & TATOOS: Our wound ointment works to soothe & support healing for minor cuts, scrapes, burns, tattoos and other minor woundsWASH, DRY, APPLY: This gentle formula is smooth, non-greasy and spreads evenly. Wash the area with soap and water, gently pat with dry cloth, apply A+D Ointment to protect the areaTRUSTED FOR 80 YEARS: Trusted for over 80 years, A+D ointment provides gentle, effective chapped skin relief
From a brand trusted for over 80 years, A+D First Aid Wound Healing Ointment provides gentle and effective solutions to protect your skin. Different from cream and lotion, this ointment forms a thick, protective barrier to help protect your cracked feet and hands and helps soothe dry skin. It is even useful during cold weather to help protect skin, face and lips from drying effects of wind and cold weather. The healing ointment also helps protect minor cuts, scrapes and burns. A+D First Aid Ointment is a smart addition to your collection of dry heels treatment and skincare products. Use as directed.

2024-06-05 22:39:48

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