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Olympia Tools Long Pattern Wood Chisels, Set of 4 (30-184)

상품번호 B003ES5SYS
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상품가격 $21.99
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WOOD CHISEL SET: Enjoy all sorts of woodwork projects with this chisel set, featuring 4 long pattern blades made of hardened & tempered drop forged alloy steel with edge protector caps.ERGONOMIC DESIGN: Work for hours with easy handling with high friction, user friendly PVC handles that ensure easy grip & prevent slippage during use. High precision sharp edges are perfect for carving.MADE TO LAST: Our durable and long-lasting tools help you with home, garage & industrial projects. With professional-grade quality, easily repair & fix issues with our tool cabinet essentials.THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB: We engineer a range of bolt cutters, clamps, chisels, folding carts, hammers, pliers, saws, screwdrivers, tape measures, utility knives, vises, bolt cutters, saws & wrenches.SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTS: Olympia Tools provides quality & innovative hand & specialty tools, tool accessories & outdoor equipment for construction, woodworking, mechanical maintenance & home repair.
Product Description Olympia Tools Long Pattern Wood Chisels, Set of 4 (30-184) From the Manufacturer OLYMPIA TOOLS 30-184 4PC WOOD CHISEL LONG PATTERN SET features: Sizes: 1/4", 1/2", 3/4", 1" - Hardened and tempered drop forged alloy steel. - Regular pattern blade. - PVC handle with metal cap. - Edge protector caps.

2024-06-05 14:42:39

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