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Cmple - 25FT RCA Subwoofer Cable (1 RCA Male to 1 RCA Male Composite Audio/Video Cord) S/PDIF Coaxial Cable, Digital AUD

상품번호 B003UWDE9Y
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상품가격 $11.99
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RCA DIGITAL COAXIAL AUDIO - Connecting subwoofer speakers to audio components, such as stereo receivers or sound systems, while offering excellent bass response and flexibility.DIGITAL & ANALOG TRANSMISSION: Transfers strong & clear signal for digital & analog transmissions. Durable, flexible PVC jacket makes it easy for you to lay your RCA cable through the most tricky of routesDOUBLE SHIELDED RCA - Professional audio quality subwoofer digital audio cable. The yellow colored boot provides for easy identification and installation.24K GOLD-PLATED RCA CONNECTORS: Corrosion resistant gold plating keeps connectors clean for years of clear audio and bass transfer preventing EMI & RFI signal interference.PACKAGE INCLUDE: 1 x RCA Subwoofer Cable (Audio/Video Digital Cable) - 25 Foot. Comes with Cmple Lifetime warranty.
Cmple - Premium S/PDIF RCA Male to RCA Male for Home Theater - 25 Feet Easy connection: Just insert each end into its respective port on a compatible device, so easy. The cable works with any devices that have an RCA port, and it accommodates S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format), digital, and composite video interfaces as well. Connectivity Cmple Digital Audio Coaxial Cable allows you to connect your Blu-ray/DVD player, HDTV, media player, set-top box, or any other audio device with a coaxial audio port to your audio processor, amplifier, audio mixer, sampler, synthesizer, speakers, or subwoofer through the S/PDIF interface. Color Coding The connector contains a very distinguishable yellow base to help guide users to the correct port. Most digital audio ports are colored yellow to be easily recognized, as devices increasingly have more input ports. 24K Gold Plated Connectors Premium quality 24k gold plated connectors which is anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion. Widely used for subwoofer, tablets, home theater, HI-Fi system, HDTV, DVD player, set-top box. Specifications: Connectors: male RCA to male RCA Molded gold-plated contacts for high performance Double Shielded to prevent noise and distortion Yellow connector matches connections on devices 75 Ohm Low-Loss RG-59/U coaxial cable AWG22 solid copper/CCS center conductor Color: Black Length: 25 FT This Digital Coax Cable is made from premium quality RG-59/U with double shielding to prevent signal degradation caused by EMI and RFI interference. This cable is ideal for conducting S/PDIF digital audio signals and other high-bandwidth content, but it can also be used for composite video and other line level RCA signals.

2024-09-04 21:26:43

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