해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ATOPALM Intensive Moisturizing Body Lotion for Dry & Sensitive Skin, Replenishes Hydration, Paraben-Free, K-Beauty, skin barrier ceramide lotion, 10 Fl Oz, 295ml

상품번호 B003YUYW1G
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상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Skin Care
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상품가격 $40.00
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Important Information: The date on the packaging is NOT the expiration date. It is the MANUFACTURED date. According to Korea FDA regulation, manufacturer should print manufactured (or produced date) at the bottom of package. Korean language “제조”on package means produce (or manufacture), NOT expiration date. The SHELF LIFE of UNOPENED PRODUCT is 3 years (36 months or 1095 days). OPENED PRODUCT should be used within 12 months.[No.1 K-Beauty Brand] No. 1 Brand Power Index for SENSITIVE SKIN 17 consecutive years (2007 ~ 2023. [Develop with dermatologists] ATOPALM skin care is developed with Korean dermatologists and has products suitable for dry skin, sensitive skin, oily skin, aged skin and more.[HYALURONIC ACID MOISTURIZER ] Enriched hyaluronic acid(Sodium hyaluruloate), ceramides and MLE technology for skin & body hydration. Non greasy and rich and moisturizing texture that leaves skin feeling smooth[LONG-LASTING MOISTURIZING with Ceramide in MLE]: MLE with patented ceramide is allows better and faster absorption and long lasting[GENTLE SKIN BARRIER FACIAL & BODY LOTION]: It is a mildly acidic cream that balances skin pH to the level of healthy skin to soothe sensitive and irritated skin Non. It adsorbs smoothly, moisturizes skin from the inside, and doesn\'t have stickiness after application

2025-01-06 19:40:28

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