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Cmple - Cat5e Ethernet Cable 1000ft Gigabit Network Cat 5e Bulk Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), Solid 24AWG CMR 350 MHz Blue

상품번호 B003Z463VI
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상품가격 $59.98
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Cat5e Lan Cable is ideal for a wide range of networking applications, from home or office network installations to routers, printers, VoIP phones, IP cameras, gaming consoles, Ethernet extenders, switch boxes, PoE devices, and more.Spool Network Cable with a solid 24AWG CCA conductor, this 1000ft Cat5e cable provides the fastest and most reliable internet connection between two network devices, supporting bandwidth of up to 1000 Mbps.Cat 5 Cable built to last, this bulk Ethernet cable comes wrapped in a high-quality PVC jacket that can withstand high levels of stress, pulling, and pushing. It\'s built for incredible durability, ensuring a reliable and long-lasting network connection.Easy-to-use cable box. Enjoy effortless packaging with this smoothly uncoiling and easy-to-pull Cat5e cable in a foot-marked. Peace of mind purchase knowing your investment is protected.1000 Feet Cat 5e Ethernet Cable Blue is a CMR UTP Bulk Wire, 350 MHz. Also available in Black, White, Green, and Yellow colors.

2024-07-11 16:30:32

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