해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Super Lube 41150 Synthetic Multi-Purpose Grease, 400g, Translucent White Color

상품번호 B0042FG74W
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Adhesives, Sealants & Lubricants
브랜드 Brand: Super Lube
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $17.22
상품가격 상세보기

HEAVY DUTY FRICTION, WEAR & RUST PROTECTION – This heavy duty grease provides longer life protection for your parts and implements against friction, wear, rust and corrosion.NSF CERTIFIED FOOD GRADE & CLEAN – Ths product is a NSF registered Food Grade lubricant, rated H1 for incidental food contact. Meets former USDA (H1) guidelines.WATER RESISTANT RUST INHIBITOR – Excellent water resistance and rust inhibiting propertiesWIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE – Offers good mechanical stability, does not evaporate or form gummy deposits. It will not melt or separate.REDUCED DOWNTIME, INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY – Machinery lasts longer, downtime is reduced and productivity is increased.
Super Lube® Grease is a patented synthetic heavy-duty, multi-purpose lubricant with Syncolon®. Synthetic base fluids and the addition of Syncolon® micro powders combine to form a premium lubricant that provides longer life protection against friction, wear, rust and corrosion. Machinery lasts longer, downtime is reduced and productivity is increased. Super Lube® Grease is a NSF registered Food Grade lubricant, rated H1 for incidental food contact. Meets former USDA (H1) guidelines. Super Lube® Grease offers good mechanical stability, does not evaporate or form gummy deposits. It will not melt or separate. There is no Silicone in Super Lube® Multi-Purpose Grease with Syncolon®. It is safe for use in paint spraying and finishing operations.

2024-07-09 14:32:56

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