해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Belly Bandit BFF Postpartum Belly Wrap - Body Formulated Postpartum Belly Band, Featuring Adjustable Corset-Inspired Design & Customizable Compression

상품번호 B004US1RAA
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상품가격 $79.95
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Belly Bandit B.F.F - Brown Our new revolutionary band is being described by many women as their "BFF". While it will become your very best friend for 6-8 weeks after you deliver, the B.F.F. also stands for Body Formulated Fit. Utilizing a corset inspired construction and super-soft Promodal, our premier band features many unique fit and fabrication advantages. This is an especially great fit for petite, shorter and short-waisted women. Six uniquely shaped panels hug your curves in comfort while offering 2 more inches of Velcro. Our patent pending design creates the ability for mom to have two different panels of compression that simultaneously cinch the waist, hips and belly and conform to your body to create a natural silhouette - because we are all not built the same. As a fabric blend that comes directly from nature, Promodal offers optimum moisture management, smooth fiber structure to help avoid skin irritations, and a reduced growth of , to name a few. The B.F.F. has been created and shaped just like a woman\'s body...curvy! Although it is highly recommended for shorter waisted women, it is still a great choice for all women. With all this being united to make the B.F.F., we are making both Mother and Mother Earth very happy.

2024-11-26 10:41:58

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