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Tamiya 95603 Mini 4WD Special Planning, Hurricane Sonic Poly Car Body Special, AR Chassis, Full Cowl Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary

상품번호 B005AFAX7K
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Remote & App Controlled Vehicles & Parts
브랜드 Brand: TAMIYA
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $39.90
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Assembly required kit Requires separate toolsFinished Size: 6.1 inches (155 mm)Full Cowl Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary. Introducing the Hurricane Sonic Polyka Body !!The rear wing is one piece molded to connect the left and right front cowl, and the front wing air intake is a separate part, and the sticker is metal toneBattery Type: AA batteries x 2 (batteries are not included and must be purchased separately)
Tamiya 95603 Mini 4WD Special Hurricane Sonic Poly Body Special AR Chassis, Full Cowl Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary Full Cowl Mini 4WD 30th Anniversary. Introducing the Hurricane Sonic Polyka Body !! Mini 4WD Cartoon Explosion Brothers Let\'s & Go!! The Hurricane Sonic is now available in a polyka body as one of the protagonists, the third machine of Seibo. The rear wing is one piece molded to connect the left and right front cowl, and the front wing air intake is a separate part, and the sticker is metal-toned. The AR chassis is made of white polyka ABS reinforced type, and the super hard low profile tires around the foot, combined with yellow spiral spoke wheels. Body: Clear (polycarbonate). Chassis: White (polycarbonate ABS). Parts A: Red (low friction material) Wheels: Yellow, spiral type (PP) Tires: Black, super hard, small diameter low height Sticker: Metal Tone Includes Full Cowl 30th Anniversary Logo Sticker Gear Ratio 3.5:1 Includes 130 type motor This product is a kit that requires assembly. Assembly requires separate tools. Please purchase 2 AA batteries separately. This product does not include any adhesives, paint, tools, or batteries.

2025-01-07 00:04:30

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