해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KAL Magnesium Taurate 400mg Plus CoEnzyme Vitamin B6, Chelated Magnesium Supplement, Healthy Muscle Function, Nerve and Heart Health Support, Gluten Free, Vegan, 60-Day Guarantee, 45 Serv, 90 Tablets

상품번호 B005LPFA9U
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상품가격 $12.14
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Magnesium Complex Plus – Magnesium chelated with the amino acid taurine results in KAL\'s high quality, high absorption Magnesium Taurate, designed to be more utilizable by the body than other forms.Cardiovascular Supplement – Formulated to help support healthy muscle function, including your heart, magnesium taurate may also help with healthy circulation and a proper balance of electrolytes in the body to help support a healthy heart rhythm.CoEnzyme Support & More – We combine 25 mg CoEnzyme Vitamin B6 with Magnesium to further support nervous system health, and include our ActiSorb base of herbs and spices to further enhance absorption.Smart Choice – We\'re proud to use 100% post-consumer resin (PCR) bottles made from plastic removed from oceans and landfills for a positive environmental impact.KAL Quality – Our vegan Magnesium is gluten free, made without soy or dairy and lab verified for purity and potency. Manufactured in our GMP-certified facility in Utah to bring you the best possible quality, Magnesium Taurate Plus comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.

2024-11-28 22:52:20

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