해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
biotène Oral Balance Moisturizing Gel, Alcohol Free Gel and Dry Mouth Gel, Flavor Free, 1.5 Oz

상품번호 B0064QVBFC
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상품구분 Health & Household / Oral Care
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상품가격 $6.98
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One 1.5 oz tube of Biotene OralBalance Moisturizing Gel, Alcohol Free Gel and Dry Mouth Gel, Flavor FreeMouth moisturizing system helps soothe and protect oral tissuesBiotene dry mouth gel provides up to four hours of reliefHelps maintain a healthy oral environmentSugar-free, alcohol-free and flavor-free formula
Biotene OralBalance Moisturizing Gel and Dry Mouth Gel is an alcohol free gel that is a portable and discreet way to achieve long-lasting relief of dry mouth symptoms. This special formula contains a mouth moisturizing system that helps soothe and protect oral tissues and maintain a healthy oral environment. Suitable for overnight use, this moisture lock mouth gel provides up to four hours of relief from dry mouth symptoms, including bad breath, stickiness in the mouth, dryness in the mouth and chapped lips. Flavor-free, sugar-free and alcohol-free, Biotene dry mouth gel leaves no unwanted scents or flavors behind. The small 1.5-ounce tube allows for portability and discreet application. Simply place about half an inch of Biotene dry mouth gel directly on the tongue and spread throughout the mouth. Adults and children 12 years and older may use this mouth moisturizer as needed. For long-lasting relief of dry mouth symptoms, choose Biotene, the Number 1 dry mouth brand trusted by dentists.

2025-01-10 12:39:31

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