해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Red Dragon Armoury Synthetic Basket Hilt Sparring Sword - Black Blade

상품번호 B007KKDAG4
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports
브랜드 Brand: CAS Hanwei
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $95.09
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Product Type: Sporting GoodsPackage Height: 111.8 CentimetersPackage Length: 15.5 CentimetersPackage Width: 25.4 Centimeters
This sword features: black blade, black guard, black handle, black basket hilt pommel. This latest addition to the synthetic range has been designed and tested in conjunction with the English martial arts Academy. The swords are very well priced and are a must for all backsword practitioners, allowing for greater levels of intensity during sparring and in the tournament arena. The swords excel in practicing techniques from George silver and the Highland broadsword fighting manuals. The blade of the sword is the standard Rawlings Xtreme single hand blade and is compatible with all Rawlings single hand sword fittings. The blades are designed to flex in the last one-third of their length towards the tip, allowing for much safer thrusting than with conventional wooden wasters or shinai. The blade/tang joint is reinforced by a high tensile steel rod running along the full length of the handle, so removing the handle flex typically associated with plastic training swords. These synthetic-bladed swords also provide an excellent option for Theatrical use, being inherently safer than steel or aluminum. The variety of interchangeable parts offered by Red Dragon also provides an economical means to create many different styles of sword on a single blade. The ball shaped quillon finials and rounded pommels of the longsword and single-hand sword are designed for sparring safety, as are the pommel and basket of the basket-hilt sword. The grips are manufactured from a rubber-like thermoplastic elastomer, designed to absorb the impact of strikes and to provide a tight fit on the tangs.These synthetic-bladed swords also provide an excellent option for Theatrical use as well. Overall: 41" blade length: 34" handle length: 6 1/2" weight: 1lb 12oz point of balance: 6"

2024-07-10 12:29:18

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