해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DB Electrical New DB Electrical Alternator Compatible BBB 7127-1W, BBB HD 7127-1W, N7127-1W, NAPA Power Premium Plus 213-4011SW, 7127-SEN-1, ADR0152

상품번호 B0081S9C16
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상품가격 $86.25
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RELIABLE PERFORMANCE: Trust this alternator for efficient charging. Its high output and dependable design ensure reliable power, even in demanding conditions. Keep your vehicle running smoothly with confidence.HIGH-QUALITY CONSTRUCTION: Our alternator is built to last with superior materials chosen for optimal performance, reliability, and durability.EASY INSTALLATION: This alternator has direct fit design, no vehicle modifications. Simple process for quick and easy installation. Maximum output and optimal performance assured.COMPATIBILITY: The DB Electrical 400-12449 alternator is compatible with/replacement for UNIVERSAL APPLICATIONS, 1-WIRE HOOKUPREPLACEMENT: This alternator replaces these part numbers ARROWHEAD: ADR0152, J&N Electrical Products: 400-12449, LESTER: 7127-3SE
**Verify part fits before purchasing** Specs: Unit Type: Alternator Voltage: 12 Rotation: CW Dimension: Replacement 10SI Unit:; Mtg. Ear 1 Hole: 5/16-18 Threaded; Mtg. Ear 2 Hole: 10.3mm Unthreaded; B+ Terminal: 12-24; Polarity: Negative; Notes:; 1-Wire System; Self-Excited; Replacement is 63 Amps; Amperage: 63 Clock: 3 Pulley Class: V1 Regulator: IR Fan Type: EF Replaces OEM Numbers: ARROWHEAD: ADR0152, J&N Electrical Products: 400-12449, LESTER: 7127-3SE Compatible With/Replacement For: UNIVERSAL APPLICATIONS 1-WIRE HOOKUP

2024-05-16 20:43:58

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