해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CollectA Prehistoric Life Tyrannosaurus Rex Toy Dinosaur Figure - Authentic Hand Painted & Paleontologist Approved Model

상품번호 B00858TLTA
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브랜드 Brand: Collecta
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $7.95
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FUN FACTS: Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the greatest predators that ever lived. The name means "Tyrant Lizard". They could sprint up to 20 mph and they grew to be 40 feet in length.PALEONTOLOGIST APPROVED: Working with experts from across the globe, Collecta hand-painted figurines are all factually accurate and paleontologist-approved, so little ones get to learn while they play.AUTHENTICITY: Each prehistoric sculpture has been approved by Anthony Beeson, a well respected expert in palaeoimagery who is also an art librarian, archaeologist and collector, based in the city of Bristol, England.SAFETY: All CollectA products are individually hand crafted with only the finest materials and rigorously tested to ensure they meet the highest safety standards.PRODUCT SPECS: Tyrannosaurus Rex measures 7.3"L x 3.5"H
CollectA\'s dramatic replica of the fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex is lifelike in every detail, from its bumpy, reptilian hide to its snarling mouth. The \'\'tyrant lizard\'\' lived approximately 67 - 66 million years ago. The massive carnivore walked on its hind legs, and its huge head was balanced by its heavy tail. The most complete specimen of the T-Rex measures 40 feet in length and 13 feet tall at the hip. The huge carnivore probably weighed up to 7.5 short tons when fully grown. The T-Rex is depicted in a threatening pose, sure to delight kids and collectors alike. This beautifully sculpted, collectible figure from our Prehistoric Life Collection measures 7.3\'\'L x 3.5\'\'H. Each prehistoric figure in our collection has been approved by archeologist Anthony Beeson, a well-respected expert in paleoimagery. All CollectA models are individually hand crafted to the highest standards and made with the finest and safest phthalate-free, lead-free materials. Create a natural world in miniature with high quality toy replicas from CollectA. Our mission is to educate collectors and to provide the greatest oppportunity for creative play.

2024-04-04 20:06:19

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