해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Photosynthesis | Science Posters | Gloss Paper measuring 33” x 23.5” | STEM Charts for the Classroom | Education Charts by Daydream Education

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EDUCATIONAL CHART DESIGNED BY TEACHERS: Our Photosynthesis poster helps students to learn, engage and remember more information than ever before. Covering the basics of how photosynthesis works, this unique school poster can play a vital role in improving both students\' understanding and classroom décor.SUPPLEMENT KNOWLEDGE: Our educational school posters are colorful, beautifully illustrated and contain a huge amount of valuable information. This Science poster is specifically designed to help students gain a greater understanding of how photosynthesis works. The wall chart is a great resource for Schools, Classrooms, Science Teachers, Students, Tutors, Home School Parents and Home School Kids.MAKE LEARNING FUN: Engaging, clear and colorful designs and images create a fun learning environment in which students can excel. Our amazing wall posters can help to increase students’ interest towards Science, while recapping any key information they\'ve been taught.LARGE SIZE – IDEAL FOR READING FROM A DISTANCE: Our school wall charts are a generous size, measuring 33” x 23.5”. This ensures all posters are easily readable from a distance. Our educational posters are a fantastic way of brightening and decorating any classroom and can easily complement every type of learning environment.
A beautifully illustrated & colourful chart/poster containing enticing images and informative text. Printed on a high quality, heavy duty 200 gsm gloss paper measuring 850mm x 594mm (A1); the large size makes the bright and informative chart highly readable from a distance, complementing every classroom or learning environment.

2024-05-14 22:27:55

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