해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Red Kap Men's Specialized Lapel Counter Coat

상품번호 B00AQ4GBN0
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상품가격 $21.49
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Red Kap Women\'s Specialized Lapel Counter Coat is extra durable, while both lightweight, comfortable and functional. This coat is ready for whatever you - or the job - can throw at it. This long-sleeve counter coat offers a professional look and performance features needed by those working in the food industry. Its lined collar with notched lapel provides a clean, official look, while the three gripper snap front respects food industry standards. Two exterior pockets provide ample convenient storage. When you\'re working the counter, this long-sleeve, notched lapel counter coat helps you present your professional side to customers. Since 1923, we\'ve proudly designed workwear with comfort and durability in mind for construction, maintenance, waste management, transportation, and all other hard-working trades. The Red Kap Done Right Guarantee: PROVEN DURABILITY. Red Kap challenges industry experts to put our workwear to the test. We test, tweak, and repeat until it\'s Done Right. FUNCTION. Engineered with: Durable lightweight poplin combines the softness of cotton and strong polyester fabric for the perfect mix of durable comfort. One-piece lined collar with notched lapel and princess seams on the back give this counter coat a pulled together feminine look. Zero buttons that will fall off or catch. Compliant with healthcare and food processing regulations. Wrinkle-resistant finish for minimal ironing and keeps you looking professional all day. CLEAN-ABILITY. With each wash, the stain-resistant fabric releases soil, dirt and grease, all while retaining its original color and comfortable fit. DESIGNED WITH PRIDE. DONE RIGHT. REAL WORKWEAR, MADE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO THE REAL WORK.

2024-11-30 04:36:40

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