해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Homestar Classic

상품번호 B00BB2NIUU
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Health & Household / Health Care
브랜드 Brand: SEGA TOYS
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $117.00
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W/tracking by Jp postW/ tracking number from JP PostFinally Launched Home Star series optical home planetarium the world\'s first jointly developed by the creators of planetarium Guinness certification with "Ohira Takayuki" involvement; It was decided that the new companion will be applied this timeHomestar Classic Planetarium Experience the world with us!
Finally something is happening in our living room since the big bang! Space travel has become obsolete since you can now simply bring 60,000 stars to your room by pushing a single button. Imagine watching the stars while sitting comfortably on the couch or lying in bed. With the Homestar Classic Planetarium, this dream becomes reality. The lenses project an amazingly accurate sky with 60,000 stars onto the ceiling or wall. Rotational movement is possible. Two interchangeable projection discs with the stars of the northern hemisphere allow you to observe the night sky as it is visible to us. With the "shooting star" function you can even dream beyond! Projection angle and focus are adjustable and a convenient timer is used to automatically turn it off. The Homestar series was designed by the Japanese inventor Takayuki Ohira, a recognized expert for professional planetariums. His work includes the Cosmos Model no. 3 or the Megastar II Cosmos, the world\'s most advanced planetarium in the Guinness Book of Records. His expertise will be part of your Sega Toys Homestar Classic too. (We offer fast shipping from US only . US and Canada version: Safe, FCC and ICES compliant. English manual and 2 years warranty with US customer service.) Includes 1 Sega Toys Homestar Classic black 2 Realistic discs of northern hemisphere with and without constellations 1 Double sided poster (skymap) of northern and southern hemisphere 17"x26" 1 Manual 1 AC adapter New 4 additional realistic high-res discs available: Southern Hemisphere, Warped Andromeda, Day Earth and Moon, Night Earth and Moon Technical specifications 60,000 stars Ultra-bright 3-watt white LED technology Projector: 6.5"x6.3"x5.9", 1.76 lbs Projection screen: ceiling, wall or other plane white surface Projection distance: 59"-90" Projection area: circle with 106" in diameter

2020-03-12 07:33:06

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