해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Metra 99-6515W Single DIN Bianco Car Dash Kit for Fiat 500 2012-Up, White

상품번호 B00BLZXV9A
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상품구분 Electronics / Car & Vehicle Electronics
브랜드 Brand: Metra
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상품가격 $27.95
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Installation dash kit for Single DIN RadiosFor Fiat 500 vehiclesAccommodates ISO Single DIN mountDesigned and manufactured with precision tolerancesMade in USA
Metra has your needs covered when it comes to aftermarket radio installation. The Metra 99-6515W Single/ISO DIN Bianco (White) Dash Kit For 2012-up Fiat 500s, helps make the installation process a whole lot easier. There is no dash cutting or modification that needs to be done. Metra\'s dash kits are made of high-grade ABS plastic to the highest standards making them plug-and-play. Matching factory colors and texture. General Features: Installation dash kit for Single DIN Radios For Fiat 500 vehicles Accommodates ISO Single DIN mount Designed and manufactured with precision tolerances Gapless fit between the dash and the kit Painted to match factory dash color Factory matched texture style High-grade ABS plastic construction Color: Bianco (White) Also available in Black Kit Includes:1. Radio Housing2. Radio Trim Panel3. Radio Housing Brackets4. Step by step instruction stools Required:1. Panel Removal Tool2. Phillips Screwdriver3. Socket Wrench4. 86-5618 Radio Removal Keys Compatibility: Fiat\'s 2012 500

2024-07-10 18:24:38

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