해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FALKE Kids' Standard Maximum Warm K

상품번호 B00BWL3KCQ
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상품가격 $55.20
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95% Polyamide, 5% ElastaneImportedThermal sports top and legging for boys and girls in a soft fabric offering an ideal protection in cold to very cold outdoor temperatures so ideal for winter; with designer logo on hem; available in sizes age 3 to 18 years oldStretchy sports t-shirt and tights; keep the body warm and dry during sport thanks to the double layer structure; for running, trekking, hiking, walking, horse riding, equestrian sports, football, goalkeeper, rugby, tennis, cycling, skiing, snowboardingChildren\'s breathable and quick dry sport thermals underwear set in a regular comfort fit including a top with long sleeves and without pocket and long tights; great shape and color retention, this sports clothing set can be washed on cold settingGender-specific proportions and a seamless finish prevent painful pressure points and allow for unrestricted movement; Special knitting processes ensure a perfect fit without wrinkles or slippingModel number: 31909; Available in US Unisex Kids sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
This comfortable fit, long-sleeved shirt and these comfortable fit, full-length tights keep you extra-warm in extremely cold conditions thanks to the special surface of the inner material. The combination of high-quality warming and insulating materials ensures superior moisture wicking and thermal management. In addition, the perfect fit guarantees maximum freedom of movement. ABOUT THE BRAND: FALKE is a family-run premium German brand, with a long experience in manufacturing modern clothing accessories designed to match the lifestyle, the personal culture and the needs of each individual. Since 1895 they have stood for fashionable clothing made from high-quality materials, finished with handcrafted perfection and an eye for detail. Through the influence of new ideas and the long experience our garments arise in extraordinary quality and contemporary design. FALKE is dedicated to developing stylish fashion for modern people, in the highest quality and with the demand for perfection. We have been working on this day after day, full of passion - since 1895.

2024-07-11 09:35:20

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