해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Fender 3-Saddle American Vintage Hot Rod Telecaster Bridge Assembly, Nickel

상품번호 B00DDXLC7Q
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상품구분 Musical Instruments / Instrument Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Fender
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $80.05
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Originally released on the Hot Rod \'52 Telecaster, this high power bridge fits on a vintage 4-screw mount platform with the added bonus of intonatable saddlesPlated-steel bridge (non-serialized) Bridge plate is stamped "Fender Pat. Pend. 77038"Package includes three compensated intonatable vintage-style brass saddles, slot-head saddle height screws, Philips head intonation screws, intonations springs, and four vintage-style slot-head bridge mounting screwsPackage also includes saddle height adjustment wrench. String ferrules are sold separatelyUsed on American Vintage Hot Rod Telecaster (US). Will also retrofit to American Vintage series Telecaster models
View larger View larger Fender American Vintage "Hot Rod" Telecaster Bridge Assembly Originally released on the Hot Rod \'52 Telecaster, this high power bridge fits on a vintage 4-screw mount platform with the added bonus of intonatable saddles. Plated-steel bridge (non-serialized). Bridge plate is stamped "Fender Pat. Pend. 77038". Package includes three compensated intonatable vintage-style brass saddles, slot-head saddle height screws, Philips head intonation screws, intonation springs, and four vintage-style slot-head bridge mounting screws. Package also includes saddle height adjustment wrench. String ferrules are sold separately. Available as a complete bridge assembly or as a saddle replacement kit. Saddle replacement kit contains saddles, intonation springs and screws, height adjustment screws and saddle height wrench only. Used on American Vintage Hot Rod Telecaster (US). Will also retrofit to American Vintage series Telecaster models. Iconic Fender instruments such as the Telecaster, Stratocaster, Precision Bass and Jazz Bass guitars are known worldwide as the instruments that started the rock revolution, and they continue to be highly prized by today’s musicians and collectors. About Fender With an illustrious history dating back to 1946, Fender has touched and transformed music worldwide and in nearly every genre: rock-n-roll, country and western, jazz, rhythm and blues and many others. Everyone from beginners and hobbyists to the world’s most acclaimed artists and performers have used Fender instruments and amps, in the process making the company not only a revered music industry name, but also a cultural icon. It is our vision to continue championing the spirit of rock-n-roll throughout the world, and our mission to exceed the expectations of music enthusiasts worldwide. Features Originally released on the Hot Rod \'52 Telecaster, this high power bridge fits on a vintage 4-screw mount platform with the added bonus of intonatable saddles Plated-steel bridge (non-serialized) Package includes three compensated intonatable vintage-style brass saddles, slot-head saddle height screws, Philips head intonation screws, intonation springs, and four vintage-style slot-head bridge mounting screws Package also includes saddle height adjustment wrench String ferrules are sold separately

2024-06-03 23:48:10

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