해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Spectrum Diversified Euro Kitchen Lid Organizer for Plates, Cutting Boards Bakeware, Cooling Racks, Pots & Pans, Serving Trays, and Reusable Containers, Satin Nickel

상품번호 B00DQC2JZS
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상품가격 $18.95
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ORGANIZE YOUR CABINETS: Keep your cabinets orderly by securing dishes, bakeware, pots, pans, and lids in the organizer. The cookware and dish rack will keep items neat within the cabinet or on the countertop, and the rungs separate the items to make it easy to grab the skillet or lid that you need without disrupting the stack.STYLISH ORGANIZATION: 7 vertical rungs create 6 storage spaces for your kitchen dishes. The sleek, geometric design and modern finish add style to your kitchen organization system. Extend your kitchen décor into your cabinets, or display your decorative dishware on countertops for a unique touch.VERTICAL STORAGE: Save space in cabinets by utilizing vertical storage space. Stand the organizer up on the short end, and stack pots, pans, lids, muffin tins, cake pans, cookie sheets, and more. Make it easy to grab what you need to make dinner or whip up a batch of cookies without moving stacks of baking sheets or pots.EASY CARE: To clean, wipe down with damp cloth and towel dry. Wipe down as needed to remove dirt buildup from the sturdy steel.DIMENSIONS: 5" L X 13" W X 5. 75" H; 2" between rungs.
Organize your cabinet shelves with the Euro Lid Organizer from Spectrum Diversified. The kitchen rack holds plates, pots, pans, lids, bakeware, cookie sheets, muffin tins, reusable containers, and more. Designed with easy access and organization in mind, these racks hold items upright and make it easier to grab the pot, pan, dish, or lid you need without disrupting a stack of similar dishes. Can be used either vertically or horizontally to maximize storage space. The clean, angular design adds a modern touch to your kitchen, and the range of stylish finishes will match any kitchen color scheme. The dish rack is weighted enough that it won’t tip when removing items, but it is light enough to move easily around the kitchen. For durability and strength, the kitchen organizer is made of sturdy steel. This rack does more than hold dishes: it can also organize makeup, store binders and notebooks, hold electronics while charging, and prop up reusable bags while drying. The versatile organizer will keep your entire home tidy without sacrificing style. With 2" between rungs, you can store a variety of items to make your home a little more orderly.

2024-02-13 12:12:05

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