해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dialogue -Miki Imai Sings Yuming Classics-

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상품가격 31.86
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You are my youth. Yumin Beadama Singing by Miki Imai The first 2-1/2 year album is a cover album featuring the famous songs of Yumi Matsunizani (Yumi Arai) Mashidama that all of her beloved songs. The album covers only one artist\'s work is the first attempt to Miki Imai. The first humin music that met at the age of 12 has always been a special treasure for her. She has also been debuted as a singer to Tokyo, and has been able to support the days of Stardam in the entertainment world until 1987. The "respect album" was carefully selected by Imai and has been decided to be released on October 9. The songs I once created in various moon\'s Miki\'s voice as a new song with her heart. We hope you will reach your heart. With gratitude. Yumi Matsunaya Contents: 01. Graduation Photo from the album "COBALT HOUR"(1975) 02.Central Freeway from the album "14th month" (1976) 03. I want to change that day from the single (1975) 04. Want to be a mermaid from the album "SURF & SNOW"(1980) 05. If you are encrusted with gentleman. from the album "MISSLIM"(1974) 06. Cinderella Express from the album "DA・DI・DA"(1985) 07.Welcome to the bright time from the album "PEARL PIERCE" (1982) 08. Not visible in heavy rain. from the album "Until Diamond Dust Vanished" (1987) 09. Youth Riglet from the album "DA・DI・DA"(1985) 10. Blue Air Mail from the album "OLIVE"(1979) 11. Tokyo Tower in palm from the album "See you last night" (1981) 12. When you forget me from the album "VOYAGER" (1983) Produced by Miki Imai and Tomoyasu Hotei Arranged by Simon Hale [M-1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] Arranged by Incognito [M-2,7]

2024-09-29 16:48:33

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