해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AcousticSheep SleepPhones Wireless | Bluetooth Headphones for Sleep, Travel, and More | The Original and Most Comfortable Headphones for Sleeping | Midnight Black - Fleece Fabric (Size M)

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SleepPhones are the first and most comfortable headphones for sleeping and relaxing that have helped more than ONE MILLION people. The ultra-thin, flat speakers are comfortable enough to wear while lying down or sleeping on your side while the module’s built-in volume and play/pause/skip controls easily let you control your Bluetooth-enabled devices. Listen to soft music, white noise, audio books, and whatever else helps you unwind in complete comfort!Enjoy Great Range, Top Audio Quality, and a Long Lasting Battery. You’ll love that your SleepPhones Wireless can connect to your Bluetooth enabled devices from 15-30 feet (5-10 meters) away. You’ll also love the speakers’ crystal clear sound quality and being able to listen for hours on end thanks to a rechargeable battery–it lasts up to 10 hours with the included USB cord.Natural Sleep Aid Invented By a Doctor. A family physician created SleepPhones because she couldn’t find any comfortable headphones to wear in bed after taking late night patient calls. Today, the invention she and her husband created at their kitchen table has helped more than a million people sleep better without resorting to drugs. (And it even saved a few relationships in which one partner snores!)Find Your Perfect Fit. SleepPhones come in S, M, L. Size Medium, M, is the most common size that fits most people. (See our size chart below for more info.) SleepPhones are available in two types of fabric: warm, soft FLEECE fabric and lightweight, moisture wicking BREEZE fabric.

2024-10-31 17:51:06

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