해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sleep Innovations Shiloh 14 Inch Memory Foam Mattress, Full Size, Bed in a Box, Cradling Medium Support

상품번호 B00EZ5TC82
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상품가격 $479.99
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Full Size Memory Foam Mattress: This 14 inch memory foam mattress features ventilated Suretemp memory foam, a soft knit cover, breathable air channel foam, and a durable base layer for pressure relieving medium supportCradling Comfort: This full memory foam mattress offers cloudlike comfort for all sleep positions, fully supporting your back and body with proper alignment at a soothing sleep temperature. Memory foam adapts to your body and evenly distributes your weight for more pressure relief and therefore, deeper sleepSupport For Every Sleeper: Whether you are a stomach, back or side sleeper, you can experience cushioning without too much cradling, while also having motion isolation and quality holds its shape with a Sleep Innovations Memory Foam bed in a boxMade in the USA: The Shiloh mattress foam is made in the USA. Our mattresses, mattress toppers, and pillows are all hypoallergenic and made with CertiPUR-US certified foam that is free of phthalates, heavy metals and ozone depleters, with low VOCsFeel Better with Sleep Innovations: We invented the memory foam bed in a box and continue to deliver sleep restoration today with innovative foams and fabrics; This full bed mattress comes with a 10 year warranty
Experience head to toe comfort on our 14 inch, three layer Shiloh Mattress. Our most cloudlike technology yet, ventilated Suretemp memory foam, helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It stays at a consistent temperature in cold or warm weather for reliable comfort, while air channel foam enhances the coolness. A soft knit hypoallergenic cover instantly relaxes you as robust base foam offers gently aligning support and lasting durability. Memory foam is proven to relieve pressure points, easing the impact on your knees, hips, and shoulders in any position. It also prevents motion transfer, allowing you and your partner to sleep undisturbed all night long, so you wake feeling fully rested.

2024-02-13 19:26:23

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