해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tygon - ACF00011 Non-DEHP Laboratory, Food & Beverage and Vacuum Plastic Tubing, Clear, 3/16" ID x 1/4" OD, 50 feet Length

상품번호 B00FW7VX7A
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상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Hydraulics, Pneumatics & Plumbing
브랜드 Brand: Tygon
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $55.13
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New bio-based formulation delivers the same excellent performanceOutstanding chemical resistanceLot-to-lot consistency for reproducible resultsNon-oxidizing and non-contaminatingSlips easily over fittings and grips securely for simple lab set-ups
Saint-Gobain has developed Tygon E-3603 using entirely bio-based plasticizers. Crystal clear and flexible, long-lasting and crack-resistant, the new Tygon E-3603 non-DEHP tubing delivers the same superior performance you have come to expect, but now in a formulation that contains a non-DEHP plasticizer. Replacing DEHP with a bio-based, non-phthalate plasticizer delivers the benefits of increased sustainability and safety for the environment and users. Tygon E-3603 Tubing handles most inorganic chemicals found in the laboratory. It is non-oxidizing and non-contaminating, and less permeable than rubber tubing. The glassy-smooth inner bore helps prevent buildup to facilitate cleaning, and coils are marked at 1-foot (30.4-centimeters) intervals for easy measuring. Tygon E-3603 Tubing is specially formulated for resistance to flex-fatigue and abrasion. In many peristaltic pump applications it will outlast the competitor and the original R-3603 by 3 to 1. As a tubing for instrumentation connection, vent, drain and other general laboratory applications, Tygon E-3603 Tubing offers superior life, which minimizes the labor and expense of replacement. New bio-based formulation delivers the same excellent performance. Outstanding chemical resistance. Lot-to-lot consistency for reproducible results. Non-oxidizing and non-contaminating. Contains no BPA or phthalates. Smooth, polished inner wall. Slips easily over fittings and grips securely for simple lab set-ups. Meets USP Class VI and FDA criteria. Typical applications: general laboratory, food and beverage, biopharmaceutical, analytical instruments, peristaltic and vacuum pumps, ideal for condensers, incubators, desiccators, gas lines and drain lines. 56 Durometer hardness (Shore A), 15s. 1750 psi (12.1MPa) Tensile strength. 425 percent ultimate elongation. Tear resistance, 173 pounds-feet/inch (31 kN/m). 1.21 Specific gravity. Water absorption, 0.21 percent 24 hrs. at 73 degrees F (23 degrees C).

2024-11-29 17:44:33

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