해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Essential Sounds I [Download]

상품번호 B00G4EACGS
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Downloadable Loops & SamplesUse on any platform that supports .wav filesRoyalty-free, professional, affordable inspiring
This is the beginning—the very beginning—a snapshot of the big bang, and an exhibition of the most primordial loops ever to carry ACIDization metadata in their DNA. Essential Sounds I takes its place in the Sony Sound Series catalog as the granddaddy of all ACIDized loop library titles. This multi-genre construction kit made its debut inside the very first box of ACID software. Back then, there was only one flavor of ACID on the streets, everybody was going wild for it and a total revolution in music production was at hand. Those were heady times indeed, and now we offer this venerable batch of loops as the finale in our long run of Sony Sound Series reissues. After an extended term served in suspended animation, each one of these veteran performers was completely revived and revitalized with fresh metadata, waxed and trimmed, and then issued all the proper tags and identifiers needed for making demanding 21st century tracks. Enjoy a title full of surprises that are startling and inspiring even to this day. You can be a young turk producer looking to make your mark, or just an old ACIDhead who wants to relive days gone by—Essential Sounds I sounds even better now than it did in its glory days!

2024-11-28 04:43:42

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