해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Madison Park Essentials Bed in a Bag Comforter, Vibrant Color Design All Season Down Alternative Cover with Complete Cotton Sheet Set, Twin(68"x86"), Knowles, Circular Grey, 7 Piece

상품번호 B00HRS1KJ8
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상품가격 $86.69
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100% PolyesterKnowles bed in a bag set instantly updates your bedroom for a clean modern look with all the essentials bedding that you need.A circular print in different shades of gray and Aqua covers complimenting the polka dots sheets set creating the perfect match to update you room décorOEKO-TEX certified and treated with antimicrobial treatment to keep the bedding/linen fresher for longer by inhibiting bacteria growth. The antimicrobial treatment does not protect user against bacteria, viruses, germs, or other disease organismsSet includes: 1 Comforter: 68"W x 86"L, 1 Bed Skirt: 39"W x 75"L + 15"D, 1 Standard Sham: 20"W x 26"L, 1 Flat Sheet: 66"W x 96"L, 1 Fitted Sheet: 39"W x 75 + 12"D, 1 Pillowcase: 20"W x 30"L, 1 Decorative Pillow: 12"W x 18"LCare instructions: machine wash cold, gentle cycle, and separately. Do not bleach. tumble dry low, remove promptly, do not iron. If there is no free movement in the washer or dryer, use large capacity commercial washer/dryer.
The Madison Park Essentials Knowles Complete Comforter and Cotton Sheet Set brings a clean, modern update to your bedroom. A geometric print of dark, white, and light grey circles covers this soft microfiber comforter, for a refreshing allure. Matching shams (1 for Twin Sizes) repeat the design on the comforter, while a solid grey bed skirt and an embroidered decorative pillow provide the finishing touches. Also included is a complete cotton sheet set with a coordinating geometric print. Premium quality product treated with antimicrobial treatment to keep the bedding/linen fresher for longer by inhibiting bacteria growth. The antimicrobial treatment does not protect user against bacteria, viruses, germs, or other disease organisms; and OEKO-TEX certified, meaning it does not contain any harmful substances or chemicals, ensuring quality comfort and wellness.

2024-10-01 05:49:34

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