해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CrystalTowels Microfiber Bed Sheets Set - 4-Piece Soft Sheet Set, Stripe Pattern w/Sateen Finish, Queen Size Sheets Deep Pocket Set - White

상품번호 B00IA87GWY
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Bedding
브랜드 Brand: CrystalTowels
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $26.99
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Feel Luxury Under Your Skin - Rediscover the feeling of a good night\'s sleep with our bed sheets and pillow cases! Made from 100% microfiber, its lightweight and breathable material will keep you cool on warm nights.Wide Range of Sizes - It comes in Twin, Full, Queen, and King to fit most mattresses. The Twin set has a flat sheet, fitted sheet, and 1 pillowcase; while the others come with pillow cases standard size set of 2 (King size for the King set).Secure Fit All Night - Our black queen sheets set is designed with fully elasticized 15" deep pockets, ensuring a secure fit without having to worry about moving too much or the sheet popping off.Designed for an Elegant Home - Upgrade the look of your home just by replacing your old sheets! Ours feature a dobby stripe pattern with a sateen finish, exuding elegance to enhance the overall experience.Various Colors Available - Click \'Add to Cart\' now and choose from our wide range of light to dark colors that will complement your interiors!
Feel the Luxury Under Your Skin100% Microfiber Bed Sheets Set from CrystalTowelsMake resting and sleeping both a pleasurable experience when you lie down on our beige queen bed sheets! Made from 100% GSM Microfiber material, quality is never a compromise for CrystalTowels. It boasts a lightweight, soft, and breathable texture that will keep you cool, especially on warm summer nights. The reliable and high-quality sateen finish is sure to deliver years of luxury.Soft just like cotton, these Microfiber Twin bedding sets for girls and boys include an ultra-plush pillowcase that caresses your head for a good night\'s sleep. On the other hand, the sets for Full, Queen, and King sizes come with two pillowcases that complete a luxurious experience.An Elegant Design to Enhance Your HomeAside from the uncompromising quality, our soft-touch sheets are long-lasting and easy to care for. Simply put them in your washer and dry quickly on tumble dry low, and they\'ll come out looking fresh and crisp like new. The sheets are also resistant to wrinkles, making your bed always look put together with just a few brushes of the hand.Exquisitely designed with a dobby stripe pattern, our microfiber sheets are appealing to the eyes and add an elegant touch to every bedroom to enhance the simple yet chic vibe of your interiors. Pair that with a clean pair of jammies and you get to experience superior comfort that you won\'t want to get out of bed! It even has 15 inches of deep pockets so you won\'t have to worry about it popping off any time.An Ideal Fit for Every BedTake your bedroom up a notch with fresh sheets from CrystalTowels! Available in Twin, Full, Queen, and King sizes, we also offer a wide range of light to darker colors so you can choose one that will complement your interiors. Click \'Add to Cart\' now and experience a new level of luxury!

2024-10-01 06:23:22

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