해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AmGood 24" X 24" Stainless Steel Work Table | Metal Kitchen Food Prep Table | NSF

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상품가격 $119.95
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"This heavy-duty industrial quality multi-purpose stainless steel utility table is a great fit for a variety of commercial and residential applications such as commercial kitchens, garages, labs, laundry room, etc The tabletop is made with 18 gauge 430 stainless steel The bottom shelf and the legs are made with galvanized steel. Adjustable bullet feet allow to improve stability on uneven floors and prevent the floor from being scratched.NSF certified to meet the strictest standards for public health protection. The industrial-quality manufacturing process meets the highest regulatory requirements for construction, safety, and durabilityMade with corrosion resistant 430 Stainless Steel table top.Assemble and install with no effort. No additional tool or kit needed. Assembly instructions and everything you need is included.This Stainless Work Table has a weight capacity of 470 lbs, evenly distributed. The bottom shelf has a capacity of 340 lbs, evenly distributed"
A Stainless Steel Utility Work Table is a great addition to any home or business. It is perfect for a variety of tasks, including a workbench, prep table, or general-purpose table. The included bottom shelf provides additional storage space. Some assembly is required. NSF certification allows the table to be used in any food service environment. The table is made with corrosion resistant 430 stainless steel top and galvanized legs and bottom shelf. It\'s built to withstand heavy use and everyday wear and tear. Whether you need a sturdy workspace for your next DIY project or simply want an extra prep area in the kitchen, this utility table has you covered. Common Applications: Food Prep Table For Commercial Kitchen Kitchen Island Counter Extension Utility Bench for Shop Professional Work Station Garage Work Bench Laundry Clothes Folding Table Brewing Setup Exam Table For Veterinarians Butcher Shop Product Specifications Stainless steel work table surface has curved edges for safety and comfort. It incorporates a heavy duty adjustable galvanized bottom shelf and leveling feet. 18 Gauge 430 Stainless Steel Top Galvanized Adjustable bottom shelf Adjustable feet to compensate for uneven floor Adjustable under shelf - great for storage Height: 35" NSF Certified Sturdy & easy to setup Heavy Duty

2024-11-01 05:30:04

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