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Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Chicken Margherita with Balsamic, Convenient Microwave Meal Made With No Preservatives, Frozen Meal, 9.5 OZ Bowl

상품번호 B00J4FRPN2
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상품가격 3.79
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One 9.5 oz Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Chicken Margherita frozen mealFeaturing grilled chicken breast with freshly made angel hair pasta, roasted garlic and tomatoes in balsamic vinaigrette sauce, these frozen entrees provide an easy and healthy solution for delicious healthy frozen meals any day of the weekMade with quality ingredients and no preservatives, the frozen pasta meals offer a satisfying, healthy dinner with a flavor everyone will lovePerfect frozen dinner for those who value health and want an easy meal solution without compromising on flavor or qualityMicrowave meal is ideal for lunch or quick meals at home, simply heat in the microwave 4 to 4 1/2 minutes and stir into sauce; keep frozen food in the freezer until ready to prepare
Enjoy satisfying and quick meals with Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Chicken Margherita with Balsamic. Healthy Choice Café Steamers offer healthy frozen meals that give your body everything it needs to feel satisfied. This frozen meal combines grilled chicken breast with freshly made angel hair pasta, roasted garlic and tomatoes in balsamic vinaigrette sauce for a dish that is as delicious as it is healthy. A tasty experience any day of the week, this frozen meal is made with no preservatives to deliver wholesome microwave meals that don’t sacrifice flavor. Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Chicken Margherita is perfect for quick and delicious healthy frozen meals at work or frozen dinners at home after a long day. Simply microwave this angel hair pasta dinner bowl for 4 to 4 1/2 minutes, stir the steamed food into the sauce bowl, and then check to make sure the food is cooked thoroughly before enjoying. Keep this 9.5 ounce Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Chicken Margherita meal in your freezer to have wholesome, healthy meals on hand. Healthy Choice never compromises on ingredients so you can taste the goodness in every bite.

2024-10-31 21:49:37

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