해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TENS Unit Pads 2"X2" 44 Pcs, 3rd Gen Reusable Latex-Free Replacement Pads Electrode Pads with Upgraded Sticky Electrode Pads Gel and Non-Irritating Design for Muscle Stimulator Electrotherapy

상품번호 B00K504UUG
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상품가격 $25.99
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UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY - Our TENS model pads are designed to fit your muscle stimulation machine with pigtail snap connectors sized 1.8 - 2.5mm.REUSABLE - This bulk pack of TENS electrodes can be used multiple times for optimal relief from discomfort. Simply use the resealable package to keep your pads fresh and clean.SELF-ADHESIVE - These adhesive pads for TENS unit have a high quality surface gel to ensure a strong and comfortable hold on your skin. Affix to your arm, leg, back, chest or shoulder with ease!NO AWKWARD ATTACHMENTS - With a latex-free design and soft cloth backing, each 2x2 inch EMS electrode pad is constructed to move naturally with your body, providing a solution to common therapeutic discomfort.SUBSCRIBE & SAVE - Need TENS electrode gel pads all through the year? Save money by subscribing to get your supply of stim pads when you need them - whether that\'s every couple weeks or every 6 months.

2024-04-04 17:24:35

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