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Gemini Sound CDMP-1500 19 Inch Professional/Home Anti Shock Audio Rackmount Single Disc Drive Mountable CD MP3 USB Media Music Player System Input with Remote

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상품가격 $249.95
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BIG SOUND, SMALL UNIT: The CDMP-1500 Provides You With Single, Continuous, Instant-Start & Cue Play Modes To Provide Ambiance for An Audience Without Having To Monitor The Unit. Convenient IR Remote Allows Control While Away From The Unit For Added ConvenienceMULTIMEDIA PERFORMANCE: The CDMP-1500 Music Player Features CD, MP3, and USB Compatibilities with Auto BPM Readout. Also Incuded Is A Pitch Rotary Knob and Frame Accurate Search for Maximum Beat Matching Control and Clearly Defined SoundFORMATTED FOR YOU: The CDMP-4000 Player Features A Bright Display Screen That Allows For Easy Navigation Through Tracks and Info, Making The Process Simple and Straightforward. This Music Player Also Features Balanced XLR, RCA and Record Outputs, and 2 ¼" MIC inputs & Rear Combo XLR input for extra audio options Giving This Unit Added UtilityNEVER MISS A BEAT: Theis Unit In The CDM Series Features Rugged Durability With The Addition Of Anti-Shock Capabilities with RAM Buffer Memory Assures Consistent, Seamless Performance Night After Night, Without Worry of External DisruptionsTRUST GEMINI, AN INDUSTRY LEADER: History Has Always Been An Important Part Of The Gemini Culture. Since 1974, We\'ve Provided Innovative Products For DJs, Musicians, Sound Contractors and Professional Installers Around The Globe. This Is What Drives Us As An Industry Leader Is DJ and Audio Equipment
Need a media player that packs a punch? The Gemini CDMP-1500 is the perfect addition to any bar, restaurant or mobile DJ set-up. Its slim, low-profile design makes this professional media player an attractive addition to your current set-up. The CDMP-1500 is equipped with powerful functionality that impresses as it occupies only a single unit of rack-space. Receive roaring playback from CDs, MP3s and USB connected media with this multimedia wonder. Complete control is in your hands with the convenient included remote control so you can operate functions like Play/Pause, Pitch Bend, Loop, Re-loop and Cue without even touching the unit. The CDMP-1500 features a fast-reading disc slot, USB port and a large, bright display for navigating through tracks and info like Time, Pitch, Value and Mode. Its sleek, durable design lets it blend perfectly into any kit and décor. Handy playback features like Single & Continuous play modes, Instant-start and Cue allow business owners the ability to provide music for their customers without having to constantly monitor and control the unit. Anti-shock with RAM Buffer Memory assures consistent, seamless performance night after night, without the worry of external disruptions. At Gemini, our goal is to design products that offer value and innovation in the DJ and Pro Audio markets. Since 1974, we’ve evolved and thrived by understanding the needs of our customers and recognizing industry trends. From our humble beginnings, we understood the potential of the DJ movement, and our ability to support this movement not only helped us grow as a company, it helped DJs gain recognition and esteem, calling deserved attention to their roles as artists and performers.

2025-01-07 09:14:24

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