해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Universal TENS Unit Gel Replacement Electrode Pads for Electronic Pulse Stimulators with Advanced Latex-Free Technology for Electrotherapy (40 Units)

상품번호 B00PAGS9ZW
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상품가격 $15.99
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ELIMINATE PAIN WITH NEW TENS UNIT PADS - Replace used, worn out TENS massager pads with new premium quality electrode pads.UNIVERSAL COMPATIABILITY - Our universal TENS unit replacement pads fit almost all types of TENS units.SAFE AND EFFECTIVE - Our muscle stimulator massage pads are safe for even the most sensitive skins.DURABLE - Our universal TENS unit replacement pads are made with quality material and use advanced technology to last longer than other TENS unit pads.WHAT IS INCLUDED - 40 replacement electrode TENS unit pads.
MDPS100 Self-Adhesive Replacement Gel Pads is for all models ChoiceMMed Electronic Pulse Stimulators:TENS Model MDTS111,MDTS116,MDTS202 It can be safely used with ChoiceMMed TENS unit to ease the pain on your soles of feet,waist/back,shoulder/neck,arms,legs/joints. Box include: 10-1.57"*1.57" replacement gel pads with electrode connectors,user guide. Pads consist of gel,carbon film,cloth backing,and the electrode connector is biocompatible. The electrode pads are reusable up to 80 uses per pad,they should be replaced when their adhesiveness becomes weak. Tips: To extend the life of the pads,clean your skin before sticking the pads.Clean with alcohol is the best choice. Rinsing them with water and airing after each use will help maintain the adhesiveness of the pads. To insure proper use,ChoiceMMed Self Adhesive Replacement Gel Pads MDPS100 should only be used with ChoiceMMed Electronic Pulse Stimulators.

2024-04-04 20:05:46

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