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Carl Theodor Dreyer Collection (Limited Edition Blu-ray box set) [1925]

상품번호 B00T7MDZYK
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Carl Theodor Dreyer Collection (Limited Blu-ray box set) Films by Carl Theodor Dreyer Carl Theodor Dreyer is one of world cinema\'s most enduringly praised filmmakers. His visually arresting, intensely austere style has been a major influence on Lars von Trier, amongst others. This strictly limited edition 3-disc Blu-ray box set, (plus a bonus DVD of extra material) presents a number of his most revered films alongside some of his lesser-known works, and an extensive selection of extra features. Master of the House (1925) | Good Mothers (1942) | Day of Wrath (1943) | The Fight Against Cancer (1947) | The Village Church (1947) | They Caught the Ferry (1948) | Thorsvaldsen (1949) | Storstrom Bridge (1950) | A Castle Within a Castle (1955) | Ordet (1955) | Gertrud (1964) Special features: Newly remastered High Definition presentations Alternative English and Danish inter-title versions of Master of the House Alternative English version of Day of Wrath Day of Wrath audio commentary with Casper Tybjerg The Cross (Tag Gallagher, 2009, 20 mins, Standard Definition): video essay on Day of Wrath by film critic Tag Gallagher Carl Th. Dreyer und Gertrud (Christine Habich, Reinhard Wulf, 1994, 29 mins, Standard Definition): documentary on the making of Gertrud Ordet Og Lyset (Helga Theilgaard, 2001, 33 mins, Standard Definition): documentary about cinematographer Henning Bendtsen and the making of Ordet Master of the House Restoration Demonstration (2010, 4 mins): split screen comparison Carl Th. Dreyer interviewed by Julian Jebb (1965, 8 mins): long-unseen English language interview with Dreyer My Métier (Torben Skjødt Jensen, 1995, 90 mins, Standard Definition): far-reaching documentary reflecting on the great director My Métier interview outtakes (1995, 76 mins, Standard Definition) : 8 in-depth interviews with Dreyer collaborators Jørgen Roos archive (1949-65, 7 mins, Standard Definition): a selection of Dreyer related archival material DR Danish television archive (1965-68, 15 mins, Standard Definition): rare Dreyer footage and interviews with Henning Bendtsen, Brigitte Federspiel and Preben Lerdorff Rye An Introduction to the Films of Carl Th. Dreyer by Henning Camre (UK, 2003, 11 mins, audio only): the director of the Danish Film Institute discusses Dreyer An Interview with Ove Brusendorff of the Danish Film Museum (UK, 8 mins, audio only): archival recording in which the manager of the Danish Film Museum appraises Dreyer Fully illustrated booklet with essays by Philip Kemp, Ilona Halberstadt, Philip Horne, Tom Milne and Nick Wrigley Denmark | 1925 - 1964 | black & white | Danish with optional English subtitles | 433 minutes (+ extras) | 3 x BD50 | 1 x DVD9 | 1080p | 24fps | Original aspect ratios 1.33:1 + 1.66:1 | PCM stereo audio (48k/24-bit) | Cert 12 | Region B Blu-ray & Region 2 DVD

2024-11-27 12:14:57

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