해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
East West Furniture Vernon Counter Stool-Linen Fabric Pub Height Wooden Chairs, Set of 2, VNS-WHI-C

상품번호 B00TV4707W
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상품가격 $121.96
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DINING CHAIR SET OF 2: Elevate your family table\'s aesthetic with this Modern Set of 2 Vernon counter height chairs. These 2 counter height bar chairs will enhance any dining area with their timeless design, adding a touch of style to your dining table. Upgrade your seating with this always trendy and fashionable choice.DINING CHAIR SET OF 2 FINISH: These counter-height chairs are equipped with a comfortable Linen Fabric seat complemented by a Buttermilk Durable wood slatted back. The stylish elongated legs contribute to an elegant color combination, thereby elevating the overall sophistication of your dining room.SUPERIOR QUALITY MATERIAL: Crafted from premium Asian solid wood, commonly known as Rubber Wood, these counter height chairs boast slatted backrests and elegant tall legs. This choice of material ensures a blend of stability and enduring durability, embodying the essence of high-quality furniture. It is imperative to underscore that fine furnishings should stand the test of time, negating the need for frequent replacements.DINNING CHAIR SEAT MATERIAL: The most recent design features a robust hardwood frame, a cozy linen fabric seat, a slatted back, and stylish tall legs that bring a fresh and innovative look to your dining space. These exceptional counter-height chairs not only provide excellent stability but also offer comfortable back support and an incredible sitting experience.PRODUCT DIMENSIONS: Sizes of these fantastic counter height bar chairs are: Length: 20; Width: 18; Height: 42.These Dining Room Chairs come in 1 box.
EAST WEST FURNITURE - VNS-WHI-C - DINING CHAIR SET OF 2 Elevate your family dining space with the introduction of the Modern Set of 2 Vernon counter height chairs. These meticulously designed chairs epitomize timeless sophistication and will undoubtedly augment the aesthetic appeal of your dining table. Meticulously fashioned from premium Asian solid wood, more commonly recognized as Rubber Wood, these chairs boast a robust hardwood frame, accentuated by a Buttermilk-finished wood slatted back and plush Linen Fabric seats. The gracefully extended legs of these chairs add a touch of refinement to your dining room decor. Not only do these counter-height chairs deliver unwavering stability, but they also provide exceptional back support, ensuring an exceptional seating experience. These chairs\' compact dimensions make them effortlessly portable, easy to maintain, and straightforward to assemble. Their classic design seamlessly harmonizes with diverse decor styles, while the Linen Fabric seats guarantee a comfortable and pleasant dining experience. Embark on an upgrade of your dining area, embracing both style and substance, by selecting these premium counter height chairs designed to meet the highest standards of sophistication and quality. PRODUCT FEATURES: Fabric: Linen Fabric Seat material: Foam Leg and Slatted back Color: Buttermilk Dimensions: Length: 20; Width: 18; Height: 42. Includes: Set of 2 Bar Stools

2024-05-16 16:01:23

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