해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
East West Furniture DLVA3-OAK-W Dublin 3 Piece Set for Small Spaces Contains a Round Dining Room Table with Dropleaf and 2 Wooden Seat Chairs, 42x42 Inch

상품번호 B00TV4AK38
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상품가격 $279.27
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WoodMID CENTURY MODERN DINING SET: Our 3-piece dining set exudes sophistication, comprising a stunning pedestal table and 2 exceptional kitchen chairs. This wood dining set is the perfect choice for those who seek to elevate the ambiance of their dining area with a touch of elegance. Its impeccable design and attention to detail are sure to impress guests and bring a sense of refined taste to any home decor. Invest in this beautiful dining set and enjoy the delightful experience of dining in style.MID CENTURY MODERN DINING SET FINISH: The dining table set exudes elegance with its stunning oak color, making it a perfect fit for any kitchen decor while enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. It has been expertly painted with premium, indelible colors to ensure lasting beauty. Furthermore, the seating for our mid-century dining chairs is expertly crafted from high-quality wood, providing exceptional comfort and a pleasant sitting experience.TOP QUALITY MATERIAL: Our dining room set has been fabricated using superior quality Asian wood, ensuring unmatched durability for our dining table set. The manufacturing process was carried out by highly experienced carpenters who imparted a smooth and high-end finish to each piece, resulting in a truly refined dining table set.DINNER CHAIR SEAT MATERIAL: These dining chairs are constructed with wooden seats, which not only add to the elegance of the kitchen, but also provide enhanced comfort through their ample width. Our mid-century modern dining chairs boast a comfortable back design that complements a variety of decor styles, ranging from rustic to modern. Moreover, the smooth wooden seat guarantees customers a comfortable seating experience.ITEM DIMENSIONS: Dimensions of the fabulous small table are: Length: 42; Width: 42; Height: 29.5. The dimensions of the amazing mid century dining chair are: Length: 20; Width: 17; Height: 37.This Kitchen Table & Chairs Set comes in 3 boxes. One box for the table top, one for the pedestal and one box for the chairs.
EAST WEST FURNITURE - DLVA3-OAK-W - KITCHEN TABLE SET This 3-piece kitchen set comprises a Drops Leaf kitchen table and 2 dining chairs, designed to elevate the ambiance of your dining space. The dining table set\'s exquisite oak hue exudes sophistication, rendering it a seamless match for various kitchen decor styles and augmenting the overall visual allure. The contemporary chairs feature a Slatted Back and a Wooden Seat, while the dinner table boasts a Drops Leaf top and Pedestal, exuding an air of sophistication. Our highly experienced carpenters have crafted this high-quality set to perfection, ensuring a seamless and refined finish that speaks of superior craftsmanship. Ideal for both casual home gatherings and intimate occasions, this dining table set is effortless to assemble with clear and concise instructions provided for your convenience. As a customer-centric business, our topmost priority is your satisfaction, and we take pride in delivering exceptional products that exceed your expectations. You can purchase our products with confidence, knowing that your happiness is our driving force. PRODUCT FEATURES: Frame Material: Asian Wood Frame Color: Oak Table Top Style: Round Chair Back Style: Slatted Seat Material: Wood Chair Dimensions: Length: 20; Width: 17; Height: 37. Table Dimensions: Length: 42; Width: 42; Height: 29.5. Included in the Package: 2 Modern Dining Chairs and a Round Table.

2024-06-05 07:55:48

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