해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
The Best of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello: Volume 2

상품번호 B00UT57BLM
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The most popular comedy team of all time is back in The Best of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello: Volume 2 featuring eight hilarious films. The wildly popular comic duo has entertained audiences since 1931, conquering vaudeville, radio and the silver screen in nearly 40 films. Showcasing some of the pair\'s funniest moments including the complete version of their signature routine "Who\'s on First?" as well as films such as In Society and The Time of Their Lives, this collection illustrates why Abbott and Costello rightly deserve their place among the brightest stars of the silver screen! Bonus Content: Disc 1 - Hit the Ice: Production Notes Disc 1 - In Society: Production Notes Theatrical Trailer Disc 2 - Here Come the Co-Eds: Production Notes Disc 2 - The Naughty Nineties: Production Notes Disc 3 - Little Giant: Production Notes Disc 3 - The Time of Their Lives: Production Notes Theatrical Trailer Disc 4 - Buck Privates Come Home: Production Notes Disc 4 - The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap: Production Notes Theatrical Trailer

2024-05-16 22:50:34

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