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Pyle 2.1 Bluetooth Marine Amplifier Receiver - Waterproof 6 Channel Wireless Bridgeable Audio Amp for Stereo Speaker with 2000 Watt Power Dual MOSFET Supply GAIN Level and LED Indicator - PLMRA630BT

상품번호 B00WR6ZXC0
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상품가격 $216.99
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6 CHANNEL BRIDGEABLE AMPLIFIER: Pyle’s PLMRA630BT is engineered as a 6 Channel bridgeable marine amplifier that powers up your speaker and is universally compatible. It has a bridge mode selection switch and high or low electronic crossover network2.1 BLUETOOTH CONNECTIVITY: Built with 2.1 Bluetooth connectivity that has a wireless range of 25+ feet. Compatible with all Bluetooth devices like iPhone, Android, iPad and tablets. It even has a smart auto connect that remembers device pairing infoWATERPROOF & WEATHERPROOF: The audio amplifier is waterproof with its marine grade rating of IP-01. It’s constructed with silver-plated stereo speaker output terminal connectors to combat weather corrosion with long term usSHORT PROTECTION: Built with a heavy duty Aluminum Alloy heatsink, thermal overload speaker short protection and LED light indicator. These are to protect the amp and your vehicle\'s electrical system from short circuit conditionsPOWERFUL 2000 WATT: This amplifier receiver is powerful with its 2000 WATT MAX and dual MOSFET power supply. Comes with dual adjustable input GAIN level controls between 2 to 4 Ohm speaker impedanceIncluded Components: 1 Sound Around Brand Product
The Pyle Elite Series Bluetooth Amps provide waterproof power for all of your speaker needs. The marine grade waterproof construction and high-power efficiency ratings provide performance and reliability -- rain or shine! These multi-channel bridgeable amplifiers are perfect for the back yard, boat or even by the pool! Features include Bluetooth wireless music streaming ability. They work with all of your favorite devices and you will be able to instantly stream your favorite songs or internet radio service providers, quickly and easily (Compatible with iPhones, Androids, Smartphones, iPad, Tablets, MP3 Players, etc.). Additional features include MOSFET power supplies, built-in electronic circuitry protection, heavy-duty aluminum heat sinks and more. Enjoy versatile waterproof performance and next level sound amplification with the Pyle Elite Series Bluetooth Amps. (Models: PLMRA210BT, PLMRA410BT, PLMRA430BT, PLMRA630BT, PLMRA830BT). Features: 6-Channel Amp System Built-in Bluetooth Receiver for Wireless Music Streaming Tri-Mode Configurable & Bridge Mode Ability 2 Ohm Stereo Stable MOSFET Power Supply Marine Grade Construction Weatherproof & Water Resistant Hi/Lo Electronic Crossover Network Adjustable Input GAIN Level Controls RCA (L/R) Input Connector Jacks Variable High Pass, Low Pass & Bass Boost Controls Remote Bass Boost Controller Connector Jack Silver-Plated Speaker Output Terminal Connectors Anti-Thump Delay Circuitry Power & Protection LED Indicators Built-in Thermal, Overload & Speaker Short Protection Heavy Duty Aluminum Alloy Heatsink Remote Turn ON/OFF Bluetooth Connectivity: Smart Auto Connect: Remembers Device Pairing Info Compatible with All of Your Favorite Bluetooth Devices (iPhone, Androids, Smartphones, iPad, Tablets, etc.) Bluetooth Network Name: ‘Pyle Amp’ Bluetooth Version: 2.1 Wireless Audio Range: 25’+ ft. Technical Specs: 4 x 100W + 2 x 250W RMS @ 4 Ohms 4 x 250W + 2 x 500W MAX @ 4 Ohms 4 x 175W + 2 x 400W RMS @ 2 Ohms 2 x 400W + 1 x 900W MAX @ 4 Ohms Bridged Amplifier Class: AB Marine Grade Rating: IP-01 Frequency Response: 15Hz - 30kHz Input Impedance: 10k Ohm Input Sensitivity: 250mV Variable Bass Boost: 0 - 18dB @ 60Hz S/N Ratio: >100dB T.H.D.: <0.05% Fuse Type: 40A x 2 Power Supply: DC 12V Dimensions (L x W x H): 19.6\'\' x 10.9\'\' x 2.7\'\'

2024-07-09 21:17:07

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